Friday, August 1, 2008

Cookie Schnitzel as told by H

My two wonderful children decided to make cookies yesterday (which they never did, by the way!) & H came up with her own recipe. I had a very hard time keeping a straight face while I was writing this down but then I decided that I really need to do more baking with her as some of her ingredients are a bit questionable!

Cookie Schnitzel by H

3 C milk
2 C water
1 C sugar
a little bit of chocolate (so that it will taste better)
4 C powder (she wasn't certain what powder was but I suspect she means flour)
just very, very lite sugar (because you don't want it to taste bad)
1 bit of flour

crumble up and bake it for 3 min. Then eat!

H was so excited to have come up with this. I'm not certain if I should let her make this or not. It all boils down to whether she'll be too upset after making them & realizes that they didn't work! lol Gotta love kids. They are so wonderful!!!

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